Overall ROAS on Google Shopping since working together.

1 %

Increase in the Total Revenue generated to date as a result of increased efficiencies in Paid Advertising.


Average ROAS across Facebook and Instagram over a 3 month period.

The Challenge

The House Outfit is an online eCommerce store that sells modern wall prints, frames, and home decor. Their items are distinctive to the brand, making them one-of-a-kind, especially in terms of prints. When The House Outfit joined us, they had seen incredible sales during the lockdown period and wanted this to continue. 

However before they came on board with us at The Good Marketer, they were reliant on boosted Instagram posts to grow their following, and couldn’t track how this was translating into sales. We were able to quickly identify gaps in their marketing campaign and implement an integrated strategy that would track and generate results across multiple channels.

We were able to expand the brand and generate excellent results during our first 3 months working with The House Outfit, including a 5.45 average ROAS across Facebook and Instagram and a 791.1% per cent increase in sales, all during the peak of COVID-19.

Upon working together however, we increased our activity for them and created a holistic marketing strategy which we continually developed in light of changing economic environments. This involved introducing Gallery Walls to increase AOV, refining our paid advertising strategy and increasing our digital PR efforts to boost our positions in the SERPs.

Google Advertising

We launched the brand on Google with a PPC campaign which allowed us to tap into a new sector of The House Outfit’s potential audience; namely those who were specifically looking for related products. 

We built campaigns backed by extensive keyword research to avoid bidding on expensive terms that would not drive efficient results. The House Outfit fits into a significantly competitive market space meaning we needed to target a large variety of keywords, both generic and specific. 

Also, due to the visual nature of the products, we launched a Google Shopping campaign to support our search activity. In order to improve  the performance of our Google advertising, we focused on our higher performing Shopping campaign averaged a ROAS of 6.55 from May to July, an increase of 112% compared to the previous period. 

After gathering as much data as possible via an all-products campaign, we were able to segment products based on their ROI. Doing this allowed us to ensure that the products driving the best return were fully funded and able to drive consistent performance. 

We have also driven an overall click through rate of 5.51% for our Google Advertising in the 6 months between March and August, which is a 55% increase compared to the previous period. This was done by optimising the best performing products based on their ROI, to ensure that we were streamlining our spend, and focusing on the products which were generating tangible return. 

Pinterest Advertising

The highly visual nature of the brand has greatly informed our marketing strategy. And, most recently, we have been working on implementing our Pinterest ads campaign.

As the go-to platform for not only visual inspiration but also specifically home decor, Pinterest fitted perfectly within our marketing strategy for The House Outfit. And with a structure similar to that of our Facebook campaigns, we were able to make use of an additional opportunity to target people at all levels of brand engagement. In just two weeks, our Pinterest’s ads achieved a 5.35 ROAS.

Facebook Advertising

In response to the challenges we identified and implemented a multi-faceted marketing strategy that spanned across numerous channels including Facebook, Instagram, Google, Email and Pinterest. 

In terms of our Facebook and Instagram ads, we introduced a range of creative to target new and existing audience members based on their level of brand engagement. For our Cold Audience, those who had not yet engaged with the brand, we targeted people with related interests such as interior design and home improvements and people who had recently moved or purchased their first home. Also, we targeted people interested in wall art and specific colour palettes which were highly successful. 

Following this, we were able to expand our audience base further by creating Lookalike and Lifetime Value audiences. The former based on the profiles of people who had visited the website or engaged with the brand and the latter on those who had purchased two or more times. 

In addition to our Cold Audience campaigns, we saw great success from both our Warm and Hot Audience campaigns. Our Warm Audience campaign targeted people who had engaged with the brand on Instagram and Facebook, which delivered a 4.64 ROAS. In comparison, our Hot Audience campaign targeted people who had previously added to cart or visited the website and generated 181 purchases and achieved an impressive 9.82 ROAS. 

In the most recent months of 2021, to combat the increase in competitors and improve the efficiency of our Facebook campaigns, we introduced new, relevant audience interests at the Top of the Funnel. This was done in order to drive brand awareness, capitalise on any missed opportunities and increase the number of relevant users travelling through the conversion funnel. We expanded our audience interests to include home-office related interests, due to the influx of people working at home. As a result of this, we significantly increased the engagement with our Top of Funnel campaigns, boosting Impressions by 66%, Clicks by 35%, and Purchases by 90%.

Email Marketing

In addition to our Paid Social and PPC efforts, we also expanded into email marketing.

In the initial stages of our email marketing campaign, we made use of custom automated emails and created a welcome flow for new signups. We implemented a new signup form on the website, and a 3-part welcome flow to encourage prompt first purchases after sign up. Following this, we branched out into campaign emails and put together a content plan for newsletter-style emails to be sent out every week. 

By segmenting audience members who were the most active and engaged with the brand, we were able to ensure consistent performance in our campaign emails with our open rates remaining above 24% across all campaign emails. 

In terms of content, we created a mixture of promotional and value content to ensure that we were nurturing our existing customers and creating a sense of authority on topics relating to the products like interior design and home renovation. 


When The House Outfit joined The Good Marketer, they had a strongly-branded, intuitive and largely user-friendly website that transmitted the company and its products. However, from an on-page SEO perspective there were clear improvements that could be made to instantly uplift the site’s visibility in this competitive home decor industry. 

There were multiple instances wherein landing pages did not have keyword optimised copy, which is essential for brand visibility, and to ensure that potential in-market users can find The House Outfit’s website. We identified that a solid and consistent on-page SEO strategy would benefit the brand significantly, in order to improve the user conversion journey, and increase the capabilities of the site to rank highly against The House Outfit’s competitors. 

We also identified that there were key opportunities to increase the overall Domain Authority of the website, and determined that  the best method for doing this would be through placing highly relevant and authoritative backlink articles on quality third party websites. This would support our on-page SEO strategy by stabilising increased ranking results.

We began our on-page SEO strategy by outlining critical areas for improvement, such as the homepage, and product collection pages in order to boost the visibility on these key pages in the first instance. Then keyword research was carried out, combined with competitor research in order to compound The House Outfit’s place alongside directly competitive brands in the SERPs. By creating high quality, on-brand content for these key pages, we were able to significantly improve the rankings for high search volume keywords like ‘Home Wall Art’, ‘Wall Art Prints’ and ‘Wall Prints’ for the website. As such, The House Outfit has gone from not ranking in the top 100 for these essential keywords to ranking in the top 5 for ‘Home Wall Art’ and ‘Wall Prints’, and in the top 15 for ‘Wall Art Prints’. 

By continually expanding on keyword research, identifying and acting on any content gaps and missed opportunities, we have significantly improved the overall organic reach and brand awareness for The House Outfit, with optimised content for all product collection pages. We have also focused on Conversion Rate Optimised EAT pages like the About Us, FAQ and Blog page, to add social proof to the site, and increase the overall authority of The House Outfit as a brand. Our SEO strategy is constantly expanding, ensuring that The House Outfit remains highly competitive and at the top of the SERP for in-market keywords and longer tail keyphrases.


By identifying the main challenge faced by the brand, we have been able to structure our marketing strategy to resolve the issues initially faced directly. And, by taking our marketing efforts into numerous platforms, we have been able to take advantage of various spaces in the market as well as their respective audiences which have led to significant increases in results across the board. 

Before coming on board with us, The House Outfit were reliant on a largely ineffective marketing strategy which was not producing the results that could be achieved. By exploring all opportunities present for a brand of their nature, we have been able to expand, develop and test all avenues on the main marketing channels, successfully scaling the brand from lower-end revenue to a highly competitive home decor name in this flourishing industry.

The Results

Since working with The House Outfit we have:
