Facebook Return On Ad Spend over the last 12 months.

1 %

Increase in overall revenue since working with The Good Marketer.

1 %

Increase in Revenue over the last 90 days during COVID-19.

The Challenge

Evergreen Direct is a family-run e-commerce store that provides artificial plants and greenery to consumers and businesses across the UK. As a supplier of quality faux plants, Evergreen Direct is committed to supplying realistic looking greenery that’s long-lasting and durable, as well as being competitively priced. 

As a result of being reliant on a single platform for the majority of their traffic and sales, Evergreen Direct wanted to be able to diversify their revenue streams and take advantage of underused platforms such as Facebook and Email Marketing. Evergreen Direct reached out to us, having been impressed with the way we operated and our transparent pricing. Initially, we decided to start with two email campaigns per month and also managed their Facebook Ads, assessing the progress from there.

During our initial in-depth analysis, we identified three key challenges:


As experts in their field and advocates of quality and authenticity, Evergreen Direct were keen to work with an agency that reflected these characteristics and thoroughly understood their business goals. The Good Marketer worked closely with Evergreen Direct to succeed in developing their vision and did so with flexibility and full transparency.

Facebook/Instagram Advertising

To address the challenges we identified, we initially began with a Dynamic Product Ad Campaign on Facebook which was delivered to anybody who had visited the website in the last 90 days but was yet to purchase. The adverts included an ‘intro card’ which offered a 10% discount along with a dynamic range of products based on the users’ viewing history. 

This DPA campaign has delivered an 8.93 ROAS (return on ad spend) over the last 7 months (from August 2019 to April 2020) which is above the industry average for an eCommerce ROAS, as a ROAS with a 4:1 ratio, so £4 for every £1 spend is considered good.

In order to continue our success with our remarketing campaign, we needed to implement a range of Top Of The Funnel (Cold) and Middle Of The Funnel (Warm) Campaigns. These included a range of audiences including Custom, Lookalikes and Interest-Based Targeting. 

Since the campaigns have begun, we have seen significant success in the number of purchases from our Cold TOF campaigns. As part of our research and planning, we identified several key markets for Evergreen Direct which included interest groups such as; Redecorating, Homeowners, Pet Owners, and people who occupied co-working spaces.

The majority of purchases were from people who were redecorating so we chose interests such as “DFS” and “Harvey’s Furniture” and targeted them with relevant ads. This campaign alone delivered an 8.89 ROAS in its first month.

Over the last 7 months, these Cold Audience targeted campaigns have delivered an impressive 20.10 ROAS.

Email Marketing

To support our efforts and ensure a consistent strategy, we introduced regular email marketing campaigns, centred around specific events such as Halloween (which contributed to 90% of the sales on the day of sending), Valentines Day as well as emails which are centred around the shifts in consumer behaviour since the COVID-19 lockdown.

We have since moved over to the Drip email marketing platform, and have implemented Email Automations in order to improve the overall conversion rate and drive users back to the website.

By also implementing automated welcome emails and abandoned browse emails, we have since managed to recover £1000s in lost revenue from email marketing.

As a company that were new to effective Facebook advertising, communication was a key factor in the implementation of their plan of action. Regular phone catch-ups allowed us to brainstorm new ideas whilst receiving feedback on the work we had previously done.

The Results

Since working with Evergreen Direct, we have:


“We have been delighted with the results that The Good Marketer have delivered. The ROI has exceeded our expectations very quickly. It is easy to be a little skeptical with digital agencies about the amount of work they are actually doing for your company but The Good Marketer has been very transparent and honest throughout. Putting the results they have delivered aside, this is what I have valued most. I would certainly recommend The Good Marketer to other companies.

Georgina Knight, Evergreen Direct