Picture of Tom Welbourne

Tom Welbourne

Helping Small and Medium Businesses Achieve Their Full Marketing Potential | Digital Marketing Expert

Why Email Marketing Is Important For Small Businesses

With the number of people using email set to rise to 3.8 billion before the start of 2019, email marketing has been a highly effective tool used by businesses to engage with their audience and bring on new customers.

Email marketing is a digital marketing strategy deployed by businesses to connect with potential prospects and customers. An effective email marketing strategy will help you connect with your target audience in a way that you can personalise and increase sales at a minimal cost.

According to the DMA, in their 2015 study, they found that for every £1 spent, email has an average £38 return on investment (ROI). No wonder so many businesses around the world rely on email marketing to bring in more sales and customers!

In this blog post, we will talk about why email marketing is so important for business, and even more so – small businesses.

It’s Affordable

Email marketing is one of the most cost-effective marketing channels you can use to grow your business. The cost per conversion is so low, it should be mandatory for your small business.

Advertising fees paid to Facebook, or Twitter to promote your business are non-existent with email marketing. There may be a small overhead if you are sending thousands of emails that go over the limit that you may get with email marketing services such as MailChimp, but overall, it is extremely cheap to use.

Targeted Messaging

Personalisation is key when it comes to email so collecting as much information as possible about your customers is important in order to develop a loyal following. It only takes one email that doesn’t relate to your specific target audience for people to start unsubscribing. Give people what they want and make sure that your message is customised to the person you are sending it to.

Easy To Measure

Email marketing platforms such as MailChimp have made it so easy for you to track your emails and take out the guesswork that you can now see who has opened your email, where they clicked on your email and who converted.

With the guesswork taken out, it also gives you more time to work on the other important tasks and be highly efficient in seeing what works and what doesn’t. This is great for a Small Business Owner because your time needs to be focused on the most important tasks that are driving your sales.

Just like Facebook Ads, many email marketing software providers offer you A/B split testing to compare marketing campaigns that you are running. Does your audience respond to one phrase over another, a hard-sell intro or something that is more informative? This can all be measured, improved and tested.

Mobile devices allow people to check their email regularly

There are more mobile devices than people on the planet, which is great news for Small Business Owners using email marketing.

Not only are people checking their social media accounts more often, but they are also checking their emails more too. It is therefore imperative that you optimise your emails for mobile devices as 69% of mobile users will delete emails that aren’t optimized for their device.

Keep your message simple, limit the amount of image you use, optimise the text you use and make sure there is a call-to-action button to give your audience a push to visit your website or product!

The amount of consumers using mobile is only going to increase every day, and if you want to get the attention of this growing audience, you need to be investing time into optimising your email campaigns for mobile for your small business.

Email Helps You Improve Brand Awareness

To develop a loyal audience, increasing visibility and building relationships with your target consumers is essential in order to create new sales as well as repeat sales.

Email marketing allows you to do this by building brand awareness whether it be sharing your knowledge that may benefit your audience immediately or in the future.

To keep your audience engaged, you need to be consistent with the content you are putting out. If you promised your subscriber an eBook, then make sure you send it to them asap before you lose their interest!

Next Steps...

If you haven’t started taking advantage of the benefits of email marketing, then you need to now, especially if you are a Small Business Owner.

We understand that running a business can be stressful and leave you wishing for more hours in a day but our team are experts at developing an effective email marketing strategy and putting it in to action.

Whether it’s what subject line works best? Or Which call-to-action generates the most amount of clicks? We can figure this all out for you.

At The Good Marketer, we help you from start to finish from designing email templates to providing you with an up to date report of each campaign. We will also ensure you’re covered under GDPR by managing, maintaining and building your database in a compliant way.

Get in touch today with one of our email marketing experts to find out how we can help you grow your business!

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